Posts tagged as "spotify"

Christine and the Queens Releases Her Brilliant Spotify Singles

December 5, 2018

CHRISTINE AND THE QUEENS “Spotify Singles” feat. performances of “The walker” and Sade’s “No Ordinary Love” HERE Today, Christine and The Queens releases her brilliant Spotify Singles session, recorded at Rak Studios in London in September 2018. Chris performs a live version of“The walker,” the latest single to be lifted from her acclaimed second album […]

The Beatles Now Streaming

December 24, 2015

On December 24, 2015 at 12:01am local time — here, there and everywhere — The Beatles’ music is available for streaming worldwide via the following nine services: Apple Music Deezer Google Play Microsoft Groove Napster / Rhapsody Amazon Prime Music Slacker Radio Spotify Tidal   Track The Beatles streaming launch around the world, from east to west, here: Watch the launch video […]